
They say/I say

  Luke Richards ENG 150 Brother Farnsworth  11/18/21 They say/I say How many of you have ever texted someone while sitting right next to or right across from them? I know I have, and I bet most of you have as well. Smartphones these days now have so many different forms of communication, many of which don’t require any words said. For example, snapchat. Snapchat is an app where you can send pictures and then type a message on the picture if you would like. So say you are out at a nice lunch with some buddies and the food looks delicious. What do you do? You take a picture of your yummy looking food and send it to your friend who is sitting right next to you and has their own food which they send a picture of to you. You then laugh at what just happened and have a good time. This is what our communication has come to. It is less common for us to discuss what is going on and more common to send pictures of texts of what is going on, even to the people we are currently with. Or...

Final Blog

      I can't believe this is my last blog! I wasn't super enthusiastic about blogging for this class when we first started, but I have really come to enjoy it. I have loved having the opportunity of going to my class and then being able to share my thoughts and opinions that I got out of it. Today I have some thoughts and opinions on the topic of families breaking apart, new families being formed, how to avoid divorce, and the challenges and opportunities that are associated with blended families. These are the topics we covered this week, and I will try to give my thoughts on all of them but I might not be able to fit it all in this blog.     First I would like to talk about how to prevent divorce. Divorce is a sad thing that happens fairly often in today's society. I want to make sure I talk about it first because divorce does not have to happen in a marriage. We talked about incompatibility. There is a definition of incompatibility that talks about peop...

Week 11 Blog

    This week we talked about parenting. Parents are the best, even when it might not seem like it, they are always there for their children and want the best for them. Parents follow an endless line of having their own parents which makes them more than capable at parenting their own children, yet it is still a huge fear new parents have when they have their first kid. It is a big deal to be a parent, having a young child can be scary because you always need to keep an eye on them, but then when they get older they want to make their own decisions even when the parents know what is best for them. Not all parents are perfect obviously, and there are some circumstances where the children are abused which is awful, but all of the good parents a lot of the time don't get the respect they deserve.      The most important job parents have in my opinion is teaching their kids right from wrong. This does not just mean teaching them the big things like not to steal, or ...

Week 10 Blog

      This week we talked about finances and fatherhood. Both are important when it comes to have a strong family. It is important in a marriage relationship to have good communication when it comes to finances, when couples can discuss this topic it shows the strength of their relationship and also helps the family be smart with their money, and fatherhood plays an important role in this specific aspect of the relationship and in many many others.      I would first start with one of my own thoughts when it comes to fatherhood. We talked a lot about how having a father in the home can affect children in the future and things along those lines, I asked if we were including father figures in these situations and I was told no, soo everything I talk about in this blog will be addressing biological fathers, but I do think it is very important to recognize father figures for people out there, maybe a grandpa, uncle, family friend. I know I sometimes take having...

Week 9 Blog

    Non-verbal communication, this was the topic of our discussions in class this week. We have mentioned before in my past blogs and in past class discussions that communication is crucial in having a healthy marriage and relationship, and non-verbal communication plays a specific role in having good communication within a relationship or marriage. Wikipedia defines non-verbal communication as " communication is the transmission of messages or signals through a nonverbal platform such as eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, posture, and the distance between two individuals." Since non-verbal communication does not involve actually speaking, that is why it is so important to learn how to give off positive verbal signs and be able to read others verbal signs accurately.     Tone of voice is a big factor when it comes to non-verbal communication. For example, when you say something with sarcasm you are meaning the literal opposite of what you say. Sarcasm ca...

Week 8 Blog

      This week we talked about the family being under stress. It was actually very interesting. We learned about what can cause stress and how stress in a family can sometimes actually be a good thing. This wasn't individual stress we were talking about either, it was family stress. Have you ever felt stress in your family? Maybe on a small level when your parents were getting mad at a sibling and you can feel the stress and  intensity? Or maybe on a higher level if a parent lost a job? Well let's talk about these things.      First I want to talk about what can cause stress. There are lots of things that can cause stress, some worse than others. Spouse has a drinking problem, or other addiction? Spouse is struggling holding and job and providing for the family? I have seen a friend go through this experience. I knew two kids in the family, they had both parents but the parents struggled, eventually the husband ended up taking his own life..then just ...

Week 7 Blog

      This week we talked about sexual intimacy and how women and men have different needs when it comes to sex, and how pornography can affect the sexual relationship between a couple. The first discussion we had was about the need for affection and an emotional connection during sex. Woman have a lot stronger need for an emotional connection during sex than men. Men have a stronger sexual need and because of that they are able to have a sexual relationship and be aroused without having a connection to his sex partner. It was mentioned that woman need to feel safe, warm, and close before they can even begin the sexual arousal process for sexual intimacy.      In sex there is also an importance to recognize if you are feeling passion or lust when having a sexual relationship. In my opinion since men don't need an emotional connection with the person they are having sex with I think there would be a higher chance that a man may be having sexual intimacy just...